
Regulus Platinum Professional Edition 8.0

Regulus Platinum Professional is a very powerful astrology program that runs under Windows, and on Macs running Windows.

Note: Regulus Platinum Professional version 8 has been released. See my initial comments and review below.

Regulus Platinum Professional Edition is available, via download, only $210, Click on the following link to purchase it using PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, or your credit card:
Regulus Platinum for only $210


you can purchase the upgrade from Regulus Platinum Professional version 7 to version 8 for only $90, via download. Please click on the Buy Now button to purchase it:


Note: Regulus Platinum is no longer sold by mail on Cds. But you can copy the downloaded file for backup instead.


Regulus Platinum 8.0

In the next issue of The Mountain Astrologer you can read my full review of Regulus Platinum Professional version 8.

In the mean time, I'd like to focus specifically on one new feature that was added after I wrote the review:


Many years ago, on my Apple II computer, I created a unique format for showing all of the major transits for a person's whole life, and dubbed it LifeScan.

[Note: in order to show all of the major events on just a few pages, I used the transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to the planets, angles, and North Node.]

I showed it to many software companies, but none chose to implement it until now. Juan Saba, the author of Regulus, has not only added it to the latest update, but improved it far beyond my initial effort.

LifeScan, as you can see from the image below, places the months across the top of each page, and the years in the left column. Each cell shows the exact hits of whatever events that you select.

Juan has brilliantly added a button to start from the birth date (as well as one to choose the current date), and of course you can choose any starting date and number of years to scan. LifeScan also has the capability to use converse transits, and to include house ingresses.

You can have LifeScan show the actual date of each exact hit for each event, select what aspects to employ, and choose what transiting points to use (from a huge list that includes the transplutonians like Eris, major asteroids, the Black Moon, the comet Chiron, the Witte Transneptunians, and more).

LifeScan enables you to quickly look at what was happening when major events in your life occurred, as well as to see at a glance what major transits are coming up.

I am so grateful to Juan for his phenomenal achievement.

The new version, of course, comes with many other valuable improvements and new features too, including many great synastry tools, lovely Harmonic Wheels, a new prediction method called Atacirs, a slew of additional Traditional Astrology functions, and a Planetary Cycles screen that shows when two transiting planets will aspect each other.

All in all, this is an excellent update to one of the most versatile astrology programs ever designed.

Well done!

Postscript: I was recently using Regulus Platinum's new LifeScan feature and stumbled upon something truly amazing: Juan not only implemented LifeScan for transits, which was as far as I had gotten, but also implemented it for Progressions (Secondary, Minor, Tertiary, and User's Progressions), and also for Directions (Primary, Solar Arc, Naibod, and User's Arc).

The fact that he provided LifeScan for both of these predictive methods is incredible, and very valuable to a wide range of astrologers. Bravo!


Regulus Platinum 7.0

Here is my review of Regulus Platinum 7.0 as published in The Mountain Astrologer:

Regulus Platinum has lately been the fastest evolving astrology program for Windows PCs. Over the past few years, it has changed from a Huber-centric program to a "swiss army knife" one, with very powerful modules for Vedic, Fixed Stars, Asteroids, Arabic Parts, Medieval, Hellenistic, Astromapping, Midpoints, Lunations & Eclipses, Draconic, Progressions, Primary Directions Rectification, Research, Huber, modern Western astrological work, and more.

The latest version adds many new features including the pioneering Harmonic Flower chart. A Harmonic Flower is constructed by finding all of the active harmonics in a given chart, and then displaying them superimposed upon one another in a beautiful flower pattern. The number of petals reflects the specific harmonic (e.g. 5 petals for the 5th harmonic, i.e. planets that are in quintile or biquintile aspect to each other). And each harmonic has its own color.

Regulus Platinum allows you to select the harmonics you wish to include, and what planets to use. This incredible feature allows you, at a glance, to see the harmonic dynamics active in any chart. Like so many of Regulus Platinum's excellent capabilities, you can view harmonic flowers for natal, transit, progressed, directed, lunation, eclipse, Draconic, return, Composite, and ingress charts, as well as in biwheels (e.g. for chart comparisons, evaluating predictive biwheels, etc.).

Another versatile harmonic feature is the program's new Harmogram. Regulus Platinum can calculate a harmogram for transits, progressions, or directions, relative to a natal chart or using mundane parameters. Harmograms show the active harmonics for periods of any number of days, months, or years. This feature allows you to watch which harmonics are dominant at any moment and how they change over time.

The new version also has several powerful and pioneering predictive charts, including a Solar Return with Progressions that shows the Sun or the Ascendant progressing - - at the Naibod rate - - through the year and a Lunar Return with Progressions showing the Ascendant or Moon progressing throughout the month. There are also Elective Charts (an animated chart wheel) and an Ascensional Transit Chart in the Meridian Distance Oblique coordinate system.

Those wishing to experiment with the Huber Age Progression method can create Multiple Cycle charts showing age progressions based upon 12 - 120 years per chart. The Age Point and its aspects are shown, and the chart can be progressed by either uniform or domal progressed rates (the latter changes with house size).

There are several other unique additions like the 36 Rooms chart, which divides each house into three equal sections (like Decanates) but starting with the Ascendant instead of zero degrees of each sign, and Opposite Charts, where the planets - - but not the houses --are placed in the opposite signs to where they normally reside, and two Node rising charts, one for the date and time when the North Node rises before the birth, and one for after the birth.

Regulus Platinum 7 continues to provide a diverse set of unique and innovative features not found in any other astrology programs, as well as a huge set of well-designed and powerful features for many different schools of astrology. It is simply an amazing program!


Regulus Platinum 6.0

Note: to download a free 10 trial/10 day demo of Regulus Platinum, click here.

[Note: the first section of this review of Regulus Platinum 6 appeared my Mountain Astrologer TMA SoftStar News column.]

The author of Regulus Platinum has been very busy, and has released a new major update to the program. (Note: this update is free to owners of Regulus Platinum).

Astrologers have begun to express a great deal of interest in the Primary Directions and Rectification methods of Alexander Marr. These techniques have not been available to astrologers, except in a costly older program that does not run on current PCs.

Regulus Platinum 6 has incorporated a full suite of Marr's methods including the Epoch Chart, Dual Test, Radix/Epoch MDO, and (enabled for an additional fee of $149) Automatic Rectification using Life Events categorized in 50 types. The Life Events editor has also been improved to facilitate chart rectification.

The update also has a full-fledged Asteroid module with an excellently designed Asteroid Wheel, An amazingly detailed Asteroid Aspect table showing glyphs, coordinates, speed, and aspects made by each asteroid, and an Asteroid Editor (for selecting the asteroids you want used in the wheel and aspect table, from the more than 1000 built-in, and the 200.000+ that can be imported from astro.com).

Harmonic work has been enhanced with the addition of Harmonic charts, Age charts, Age + 1 charts, and Harmonic Arc charts. And Regulus Platinum 6 can create Antiscia and Contrascia charts, new types of Returns (Wynn Key Cycle, Progressed Solar Return, Kinetic Return, Primary Return, Sign Ingress Return, and Lunar Phase Returns), Lunation charts (New, Full, and Syzygy), and Solar and Lunar Eclipse Charts.

In addition to the 56 points Regulus already allowed users to include in chart wheels, transit graphs, etc., there are now 14 extra points available including additional angles, parts, hypothetical points, and a user selected Fixed Star, Asteroid, and Arabic Part.

Switching between Tropical, Sidereal, and the Draconic Zodiacs is simple, and Regulus Platinum 6 also allows you to copy any screen to your computer's clipboard, for pasting into other programs, and to save any screen as a graphic.

Regulus Platinum 6 offers a very fine set of enhancements to an already phenomenally powerful astrology program.


Because the author of Regulus Platinum is very generous, he has created a major update without raising its price, and is providing it as a free upgrade for previous Regulus Platinum owners.

Regulus Platinum version 6 has an incredibly powerful new set of Primary Direction features based upon the work of Alexander Marr. The features include an automatic rectification module based upon entering life events (with fifty different life event categories to use), as well as other Marr functions such as Epoch charts, dual tests, etc.

The new version of Regulus Platinum also sports a wonderful Asteroid module, including a table packed with information about each asteroid (speed of travel, glyphs, aspects to planets, etc.), a fine new Asteroid chart wheel -- see below -- several sets of asteroids, and an editor that allows you to choose the asteroids you want the program to use, from a selection of over 1,000 built-in (and the ability to import hundreds of thousands from astro.com).

Among the many other enhancements of the program are the ability to create Lunation charts, Eclipse charts, and many new types of Return charts.

Regulus Platinum is one of the most powerful astrology programs on the planet, and it has just gotten even more incredible.


My Mountain Astrologer mini-review of Regulus Platinum

Regulus Platinum is a huge update from the previous version 1.6, and has leapt from being the top Windows Huber astrology software to become one of the most powerful professional astrology programs for Windows.

This version offers incredibly comprehensive capabilities for Vedic, Medieval, Horary, Hellenistic, Modern Western, and Huber astrological approaches, and for working with Fixed Stars and Arabic Parts. It is beyond the scope of this mini-review to elaborate upon all of the features of each of the aforementioned modules, but I'd like to describe some of them:

The Fixed Star module has a detailed table of Fixed Star positions (from a choice of 9 different groups of Fixed Stars), an excellent Fixed Star chart, a detailed Fixed Star aspects table, Fixed Star interpretations, and a very advanced Fixed Star Parans table.

The Medieval calculations include Firdaria, Profections, Lord of the Nativity, Annual Rulers, Septenarious, Hyleg and Alcocoden Analysis, Almudebit, Planetary Strengths, and both round and traditional (square) Medieval charts.

The Vedic module is a model of efficient design, with the ability to view up to 12 divisional charts plus a Rasi chart and the current chart, and a table featuring Panchanga information, all on one screen. You can also view any of four types of dasas and bhuktis, tables of alternate lagnas and upagrahas, and more.

The program has a well-done monthly astrology calendar, incredibly powerful astromapping, complete with editable theme mapping (e.g. maps of the places to go for romance, education, etc.), one of the best eclipse maps, and one of the most useful predictive graphs (which can place planetary stations in each event line).

Unique functions include the ability to re-view the charts and tables from all previous sessions, to modify the appearance of printouts using over 100 image tools, and to view wonderful extra ring wheels (showing Arabic Parts, midpoints, Nakshatras, Terms, or Sidereal signs, etc.).

You can design your own wheels and pages, create new Arabic Parts, pop up any number of resizable floating charts, and can search chart files (with AND/OR logic) using both Huber factors (like aspect patterns) and modern Western astrological factors.

The program introduces many new techniques, such as Alexander Marr's Ascensional chart, several unique types of progressions (including the keys method, and the Evolution Point of Don Neroman), and Barbault's Planetary Cyclic Index.

Regulus Platinum has wheel and page designers, both tabular and graphic ephemeride, sortable predictive hit lists, an eclipse finder, diurnal charts, a planetary node table, three sets of degree symbol interpretations, two planetary hour calculations, an astro-clock, and easy to use animated single, bi- and tri-wheels.

There are even natal and transit reports built in, and templates for creating your own reports.

Regulus Platinum is a very impressive and multifaceted program. It offers such a wide range of astrological functions, from traditional astrology to Jyotish, the Huber method, Cosmobiology, and modern Western approaches, that it will serve most astrologers very well. Its unique features and top-of-the-line implementations of many astrological tasks will win the hearts and minds of those who explore the program.


Regulus Platinum Professional -- My Ongoing Review

by Hank Friedman

Updated Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Because Regulus Platinum is so incredibly vast in its feature set, I am going to develop this review over time, instead of all at once. You can also see images of different Regulus Platinum screens by clicking here.

[Please read the description of Regulus Platinum, my answers to frequently asked questions, and my review of the previous version of Regulus on the home page of this website too.]

Each time I update it, I will change the updated date above, and mention it in my SoftStar Weblog (my weekly blog on astrological software).

I've added Regulus to my "Great at Every Price" article comparing the features of the best Western astrology programs and recently uploaded it, and it gives a description of Regulus' features and how it compares with other top programs. You can read it by clicking here.

[Note: I will be reviewing the features of the Professional version of Regulus Platinum throughout this article. There is also a Basic version, and a special Huber Professional version with even more Huber features.]

As I mentioned on the home page of this website, Regulus Platinum is a huge update over the previous versions of Regulus, and while it has the same interface, it adds an incredible number of new modules.

Anyone who needs a program that can perform all of the basic and intermediate astrological tasks, as well as a huge number of very advanced ones, will be very happy with Regulus. Regulus can import charts from many other programs, allows you to customize everything from point and aspect colors, and calculations (like house systems, etc.), to enabling you to design your own wheels and pages.

Like only the most advanced professional astrology programs, Regulus Platinum provides a vey large set of tools for many different schools of astrology including Modern Western,Vedic, Medieval, Hellenistic, Huber, and Cosmobiology, plus powerful Arabic Part and Fixed Star modules.

But Regulus offers much more than meets the eye. On any screen, the right-click menu provides users with a very large range of customizations, that make each function that much more powerful and worthwhile.

An example of Regulus' right-click menu:

When looking at a natal chart screen, right clicking on it displays this menu:

Choosing the first option, the rectification panel, reveals this screen to the left of the natal chart:

You can use this panel to change everything from the time of birth (by many different time increments), or the date, time, longitude, or latitude, or the position of the Ascendant or MC. You can also save the changed chart under a new name, or immediately restore the original chart.

Selecting the Aspect Grid option instead permits you to view any of three different types of aspect grids:

1. A standard planet-to-planet aspect grid, or

2. A planet to house cusp aspect grid, or

3. This Antiscia contact grid:

It's very nice to have all of these available.

The third right-click option, called Energy Balance, presents both more standard chart information and Huber assessments of the chart's factors in an information-packed way:

The next right-click menu option displays Marc Edmond Jones whole chart patterns, depicted over the natal chart itself:

The following right-click menu option displays Huber Aspect Patterns:

The Energy Analysis right-click menu choice analyzes the energies of the planets and houses by Huber methods:

The Dignities option displays a very well-designed planetary dignities and Lilly strengths screen:

The other options in the right-click menu include going directly to Regulus' powerful astromapping module, printing any screen (with over 100 ways to alter the graphics), saving any screen as a PDF file, emailing the screen, and making a "clone chart" -- i.e. creating a floating window of the chart that you can resize and place anywhere on the screen as you continue your work.

All of this from a simple right-click menu, of which Regulus has dozens!

Here's another example:

One of the many very fine new features in Regulus Platinum is the Transit/Radix Radial page, which displays a concentric graphic ephemeris around a natal chart:

This screen portrays the movement of the transiting planets over time, while oriented towards the natal chart in the center of the display.

But the above right-click menu reveals incredibly powerful choices for customizing the display:

The first Options menu:

In this menu, you can display the Change Date and Change Time Panels, allow you to shift the current date forward or backwards by increments of days, weeks, months, or years at the push of a button, and/or the birth time by seconds or minutes, or any other increment.

The Show Sign Line will add to the concentric ephemeris 12 radial lines showing where each sign begins, and the Show House Line displays the cusps of all of the houses, but most importantly, the Show Planets Line will place radial lines for all of the natal planets and points, enabling one to see when a transiting planet reaches a natal one. [This becomes particularly when viewing the wheel in a different harmonic.]

The Period option of the main right click menu allows you to specify the range of the search period in days (e.g. a 45 day search, 365 day search, etc.), while the Harmonic configures the display for harmonics 1 through 8, 12, and 24. For those unfamiliar with harmonics, choosing a harmonic allows one to quickly see when any transiting planet forms aspects to natal points.

Moving Point is perhaps the most important option of all, it allows you to choose which chart points to display, including the planets, angles, parts of fortune and spirit, Uranian points, and the new trans-pluto points.

On can also search using the Draconic Zodiac, perform Converse searches, and print the page, using any of the 100+ graphic tools to modify the printout, too.

This is a simple example of the incredible depth to Regulus Platinum's right click menu. It would actually be plausible for me to explore every single right-click menu in the program to reveal just how powerful Regulus is, but that would be very time-consuming and I believe this example gives you a taste of the program's offerings.

I know that this is an advanced feature of Regulus Platinum, but I wanted to make it clear just how much the program is capable of.

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